‘Under My Skin’ is an intoxicating and thoughtful new folk-pop single from Jeremy Aaron

The track comes following the release of 'The Day The Internet Died' from earlier this year

The track comes following the release of ‘The Day The Internet Died’ from earlier this year

Armed with an expansive folk-pop sound and deeply thoughtful songwriting style, Jeremy Aaron is an artist with the capability to evoke introspection and thought through his disarmingly dreamy aesthetic and style, providing the artist with an appeal and charm that feels entirely his own.

His latest single ‘Under My Skin’ is a track that does a great job of encapsulating this distinctive appeal, melding a soft sound with dreamy vocals to create an almost hypnotic and lulling listening experience that is packed full of nuance and subtlety. The catchy and immersive feel of the track only adds to its graceful allure, and ensures that it leaves a lasting impression on you as a listener in more ways than one. As Jeremy writes, arranges, and records himself in his brooklyn bedroom, this individualistic approach is as authentic and real as it comes across, and that only heightens the appeal of tracks such as this.