‘Last Time’ is the captivating and emotionally rich new single from Anson Seabra

Anson Seabra has made an emphatic statement on his new single 'Last Time'.

Anson Seabra has made an emphatic statement on his new single ‘Last Time’.

The track is a rousing and emotional powerhouse. From the glassy and deliberate vocals, to the simple and melancholic piano that accompanies it, ‘Last Time’ makes up for what it lacks in complexity with raw heart and feeling. It is impossible not to get swept along in the heartbreaking narrative of the track, as Anson masterfully guaides you through it.

The name Anson Seabra is not one that we were familiar with prior to this, but if ‘Last Time’ is anything to go by, it’s a name that we won’t have heard the last of by a long shot.