London-based Spanish singer-songwriter Leire formally introduces herself on debut single ‘What We’ve Got’

The track is a showcase of the positive and emotive sound that the artist possesses.

The track is a showcase of the positive and emotive sound that the artist possesses.

What better time to release your debut single than when the world is on lockdown due to a global pandemic? For London-based singer-songwriter Leire the situation has proven to be a perfect time to reflect and find positives in the situation.

Her very first single ‘What We’ve Got’ is a reflection of this, and is a looks inwardly at what the title suggests. The track is a positive piece of pop pleasantry that serves as a welcome distraction from the issues in the world at large, and hopefully provides a chance to reflect and appreciate what we do have. It also helps that ‘What We’ve Got’ is a breezy, whimsical, easy and enjoyable listen, and provides a warm blanket of comfort.

“The situation that the world is experiencing at the moment will teach us the value of what we’ve got.” Leire has said of the track. “It’s an honest, real song. Easy to listen to.” The song describes how relationships are now that everyone must stay home and brings up the positive side of it. Leire’s first EP will be released later in the year, where she will put together songs that “tell the truth about society”.