Indie art rock heavyweight Liza Anne delights yet again on ‘I Shouldn’t Ghost My Therapist’

Another emphatic track from excellent brand new album Bad Vacation.

Another emphatic track from excellent brand new album Bad Vacation.

‘I Shouldn’t Ghost My Therapist’ is a characteristically candid and endearing new single from Liza Anne. The artist, renowned for her artistic indie rock sound, is at her reflective and self-deprecating best on the track. Her honest, reality-driven lyrics meet immaculately punchy guitar hooks in the way that only she really can. There are shades of Courtney Barnett in there but the track and its whole personality is something that is unmistakably Liza Anne, and that is growing into a bigger compliment with every release.

Liza confirmed the lyrics focus on, “how we hurt people when we’re not taking care of ourselves. I was spiraling, anyone with a bit of care for me saw that and tried to say something but I was walling myself off to any real advice. Making an echo chamber of “you’re not doing anything wrong.” Nobody grows in an echo chamber.”