‘Night Talks’ is an atmospheric and vulnerable new release from Maisyn

The artist's first release of 2024 showcases a darker edge to her infectious sound

The artist’s first release of 2024 showcases a darker edge to her infectious sound

Since 2021, exciting artist Maisyn has been establishing her distinctive charm as an indie pop artist, putting together a collection of tracks that do a great job of highlighting her unique appeal and the thoughtful, immersive songwriting that has seen so many single her out as a special and exciting talent.

The latest of these singles is ‘Night Talks’, a somber track that tackles the bittersweet feeling of being hurt by the people that know us best and we expect more from. There is a really compelling feel to the track throughout, one that rises in intensity and drive from the artist as it progresses, the artist growing frustrated with being around people who always seem to want to argue or fight or cause disagreements. The track has a biting cutting edge throughout and it provides a great showcase to some of the grittier and darker facets of the artist’s sound, further enhancing her reputation in the process.