‘Outside’ is a darker showcase of Huddersfield artist PENNY’s talents

The track is from the artist's new debut EP My Secret Powers

The track is from the artist’s new debut EP My Secret Powers

Huddersfield singer-songwriter PENNY is rapidly becoming one of our favourite emerging artist’s at CLOUT, and her intimately captivating brand of pop has already given us a plethora of engaging, bewitching sounds.

2022 has brought us the release of PENNY’s debut EP My Secret Powers, and the unique darkness of latest single ‘Outside’. Following the infectious dancability of her two latest releases ‘Ur Girl’s Fine’ and ‘Cauchemar’, the track reveals another facet to the artist and the EP, and delves into more introspective and challenging territory. The rich textures and pulsating bass of the track really create a stirring atmosphere that provides the perfect platform for PENNY’s lauded vocals to showcase their restrained power.

Speaking of the single, PENNY said: “It feels like so long ago since I wrote Outside, but usually, when I write something, it’s because I need to find a way to process my emotions – it’s kind of like therapy to me. The song is all about jealousy, and how I became borderline obsessed with my ex’s ex. I found myself wondering whether my jealousy towards her was actually lust – the whole “do I want to be you, or be with you?” thing. However, in writing the song and looking at the situation through an ‘outside’ perspective, I came to realise how ridiculous this was, and that I am really quite perfect just the way I am.”