Shadows in the Dark is the exceptional new offering from Howard Kaye
Howard Kaye is a prime example of an artist who is moving with the times and reverting back to his true and belonging passions.
Starting off in the world of hip-hop/electronic music as the lead singer for UK group
CROOX, Howard quickly found his love for different genres, as well as the explorational realms you can go to when being as part of a creative group.
Through a lot of success, he then slowly started to realise that although his passion for electronic and hip-hop was viable, he had always grown up influenced by the powerful and mesmerising world of rock.
Speaking more on the meaning behind ‘Shadows In The Dark’, Howard explains: “Shadows In The Dark is a song about keeping my inner demons at bay. Over the past couple of years I have worked incredibly hard on bettering myself, as a musician, an artist but most importantly as a human.
‘Shadows’ is about the constant pressure of everyday life and doing what I can to not become a victim to my struggles with mental health and stay on the path I am on. In the chorus I talk about ‘There’s no angels watching over me, just the Devil’s in the street’ as a reference to the constant negative influences surrounding me trying to drag me back into the dark place I was in.”