Internet Raised – Better

Emerging indie-pop duo Internet Raised share debut single 'Better'

Emerging indie-pop duo Internet Raised share debut single ‘Better’

Released today, you’re in for a right treat with this vibrant debut single. Titled ‘Better‘, Internet Raised are an emerging duo that are thinking outside the box. Their debut single was written during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, and was born via a writing session on Zoom.

On their debut, Internet Raised mentioned, “the track was written in the early days of lockdown 1.0, we were reflecting on mistakes we’ve made and trying to persuade ourselves we were able to do better when the track was made.

It’s been such a difficult time for everyone, particularly people that struggle with mental health issues and we found it crucial to remain positive throughout”.

A project that’s been in the pipelines for around four years, the time is right for this innovative duo.

An anthem track that emits positivity and optimism, ‘Better’ shines through with hope, and comes across as a sort of ‘healer’ during the current climate.

“Better” comes across as a track that tells listeners to take every step as it comes, and feels like a gentle reminder to stay as present as possible.

Armed with an uplifting arrangement, colourful synthesisers and pulsating percussion, ‘Better’s lyricism is prominent and showcases a duo destined for greatness.