Prince Li – Feel the Fall

Prince Li reveals debut single 'Feel the Fall'

Prince Li reveals debut single ‘Feel the Fall’

‘Feel the Fall’ is the hypnotic and moody bedroom-pop single from Prince Li, and to make it even better, it’s a debut!

Detailing depression and ambition, ‘Feel the Fall‘ still streams with optimism and everything you need from a hard-hitting message.

The first single from British Korean, London based singer-songwriter Prince Li is delivered with confidence and reminisces The Beatles in parts – which is never a bad thing.

Speaking about the new release, Prince Li shares, “Feel the Fall was born out of overwhelming thoughts and feelings I’ve had since I was a teenager: Am I wasting my time? Will this work out?

I don’t want to look stupid but I also don’t want to regret anything before I die.

It’s my own little piece of catharsis/indie banger wrapped into one and I hope it gets all the existential dreaders jumping around in their bedroom :)”

We’re excited to hear where Prince Li goes with their music next.