‘EVE OF 4/20’ is an anthemic single about living life to the fullest from Salyse

The artist's infectious charisma and charm shines through the new release

The artist’s infectious charisma and charm shines through the new release

On her expansive and uplifting new single ‘EVE OF 4/20’, rising Atlanta artist Salyse is looking to provide people with a sultry and intoxicating piece of escapism from the mundane and bleakness of modern life with her signature soulful appeal and charm.

The track has an effortlessly rhythmic and engrossing feel to it throughout, blessed with a carefree and liberating atmosphere and aura as it progresses, showcasing the artist’s charismatic allure. The track feels like a celebration of life and all of its highs and lows, imploring listeners to do their thing and make whatever makes them happy and makes their world go around a priority, to keep thriving no matter how dark or depressing things look outside. The end result is an inescapably fun and dynamic release that glows with euphoria and fun.