‘Laughter’ is an unsettling and explosive exploration of trauma from Slung

The Brighton band continue to showcase their eclectic appeal on their dynamic third single

The Brighton band continue to showcase their eclectic appeal on their dynamic third single

Boasting a sound that feels as unpredictable and explosive as it is creative, Brighton’s Slung are a band that have wasted no time establishing themselves as a wildly exciting and expansive rising outfit who have a lot to offer the modern UK alternative scene.

Their latest single ‘Laughter’ is a track that is fuelled by trauma and has an uneasy and jagged feel to it throughout, exploring the more difficult relationships that some people have with their relatives and parents and revelling in the weirder and more atmospheric tendencies of their sound. The hard-hitting, crashing instrumental and unsettling aura of the track makes for a truly gripping listening experience that demands your attention, further signalling the immense potential and truly one-of-a-kind appeal of Slung.

Vocalist Katie Oldham says “This song is about a face-off that’s been a long time coming, and the difficult relationships we can have with members of our family, especially our parents. When we’re children we’re so desperate for our parents’ attention and approval that their dismissal or rejection can feel agonising. With an emotionally absent parent, trying desperately to earn love or consideration from someone who isn’t capable of giving it can be so destructive. This hurt can often develop into resentment as we age and we may even later villainise this person, wanting to fight, confront, defeat them.”