‘Losing By a Landslide’ is a moving and relatable new release from Sophia Alexa

The thoughtful new single continues to reaffirm the artist's compelling appeal

The thoughtful new single continues to reaffirm the artist’s compelling appeal

With the release of her stirring new single ‘Losing By a Landslide’, London based indie-folk singer-songwriter Sophia Alexa crafts a relatable and tender narrative about feeling like you’re falling behind, now in your 20s and feeling like life and seemingly everybody else is passing you by.

The track plays on the expectations that many people seem to have that you should have life figured out and things falling into place by this time, but the artist’s authentic and earnest writing and delivery softly reassures you that everyone moves at their own pace, making their own moves and on their own journey. There is a really engrossing softness to the sound and the artist’s distinctive allure that feels resonating and quietly powerful throughout, making for a track that is easy to lose yourself in and feel justifiably comforted by.