‘Til The Wheels Fall Off’ is an earnest and captivating new single from Suzie Chism

The empowering new track sees the artist looking to re-find herself following a breakup

The empowering new track sees the artist looking to re-find herself following a breakup

Embracing a more country-pop Americana sound, Suzie Chism has a really relatable and engrossing appeal on her latest single ‘Til The Wheels Fall Off’, detailing a time-between-times in her life where the artist was moving from one place to the other and wasn’t yet feeling entirely comfortable in either, forcing the artist to spend some time outside of her comfort zone when making the adjustment.

The track itself was supposed to have a more campy and animated feel to it, but the grounded and earnest nature of the artist’s story and situation led to the more Americana-esque sound that Suzie has embraced with open arms, giving it a really personal and immersive edge as a result. We’ve all been through a breakup that has made us feel a bit lost, and done what needed to be done to try to move on and get away, and the pitfalls like having to leave your comfort zone or drive a rickety old car in order to get to where you need to be. The grace and strength that the artist showcases on the track feels rousing and powerful, and makes for a really endearing and thoughtful new release.

“People will judge you for moving on too quickly, or not quickly enough, but they don’t know how lonely that relationship itself actually was or what I lived through; affection was withheld from me for so long, the crisis for me was actually the year leading up to the breakup, not the breakup itself.” Suzie says of the new single. “So I learned to not let anyone set an expectation or minimum duration for my sadness; I spent enough time sad over that guy when I was with him.”