‘Stardust Motel’ continues to highlight the laid-back and mysterious allure of Strawflower

The track is from their excellent new album Greetings from the Stardust Motel

The track is from their excellent new album Greetings from the Stardust Motel

With the release of their creative and charming new album Greetings from the Stardust Motel, LA surf rock and psychedelic pop band Strawflower have put together a really expansive and rewarding showcase of their immersive, distinctive sound and everything that makes them feel so special and exciting, drawing on a range of influences and styles throughout.

The title track of the album comes in the form of the wonderfully country-tinged ‘Stardust Motel’, a laid-back track that is packed full of engrossing charm and scenic imagery throughout. The soundscape of the track does a really great job of ushering you gently into their spacious sonic world, packed full of hypnotic guitar grooves and nostalgic vocal harmonies that evoke the spirit of somewhere so much warmer and more mysterious than we have grown accustomed. A really immersive track from an album that is full of highlights and memorable moments.