LENII releases culturally poignant ‘I (Don’t) Miss You’

An electro-pop number coated in emotions, prepare to feel all the feelings on this one.

The lyrics on this one…

Not planning to release this song for a few months, the current climate has lead to LENII bringing the release forward. Now a one off release in between the release of her forthcoming EP In All Fairness. 

Originally as a standard break-up song, the songwriting abilities of LENII have really shone through as we note how poignant they are when compared to the COVID-19 induced lockdown situation across the world.

Speaking on the track LENII explains that, “Itʼs about missing being in the relationship, but not necessarily missing the person. Missing being somebodyʼs somebody. I was at a drag show one night a while after breaking up with my boyfriend, and one of the queens started talking about the movie Spirited Away. It was my exʼs favorite movie but I found it creepy so we never finished watching it, and suddenly I was hit with the realization that Iʼd never see the end of it with him and there was something so tragic about that. I cried on the subway home and started writing all the feelings down as lyrics.”

An electro-pop number coated in emotions, prepare to feel all the feelings on this one.
