‘Who has ADHD now lol’ is the latest narrative journey from the mind of Pacing

The track is the latest release from the upcoming hatemail mixtape.

The track is the latest release from the upcoming hatemail mixtape.

Pacing is an artist that has found herself firmly on our radar as of late thanks to her quirky and unique brand of story-telling heavy indie pop, carving out a space for herself and her sound that feels quite unlike anything else.

Earlier in the year the songwriter blessed us with ‘The Family’, the wonderfully weird and inescapably catchy tale of a wannabe mobster. Now, with the release of ‘Who has ADHD now lol’ the artist reaches for something a little closer to home and relatable, where the songwriter takes some time to reflect upon herself and her insecurities and make peace with them. The sound is fun and full of eccentric little moments of joy, and the message is hopeful and memorable. However weird you are, or weird you aren’t, that’s just fine.

“I like to deal with my anxiety in the very healthy manner of repeatedly telling myself what an annoying idiot jerk I am. Every once in a while it works because I realize how ridiculous I sound. My theory is that fully succumbing to the mean voices in your lizard brain can be a helpful form of immersion therapy, in small doses. I tested this theory out on the characters of this record, from a macho mafia-aspirant plotting to kill Tony Soprano, to a FOMO-plagued socialite having a panic attack, to – well, myself. These characters dramatically lash out at themselves and others, with mixed results.”