‘Hit the Road Again’ is a thoughtful and authentic new single from Stefan Dando

The track is the third single from the fledgling UK artist

The track is the third single from the fledgling UK artist

Having already established himself as a thoughtful and captivating artist who’s sound bleeds with authenticity and honesty across his first two releases, Stefan Dando has opened up once again on his latest and third single ‘Hit the Road Again’, a track that sees the artist looking back on a relationship with somebody who never truly loved him.

The track itself it set amongst the cross-country drives that the artist and his ex would go on, with them having strained conversations about their faltering situation. This makes for a really engrossing and candid feel throughout the track, with the artist’s earnest writing and the folky nature of the sound working unison to create this really authentic and raw feel to the situation and sound, giving it an increased sense of emotional resonance due to how swept up you find yourself in the narrative.