‘How Do I Be Gay??’ is a thoughtful single that details Sunflower Kid’s coming to terms with his identity

The track is the artist's first release of the year following a fruitful 2023

The track is the artist’s first release of the year following a fruitful 2023

As a straight person, it is impossible to understand the struggle and challenges that LGBTQ people go through, looking to find their place in the world and in society and come to terms with their identity, along with all of the judgment and different obstacles that come along the way.

Latest Sunflower Kid single ‘How Do I Be Gay??’ is a track that explores the artist’s journey and the pitfalls that he has faced along the way as he came to accept himself as a gay man, and the authentic rawness of his storytelling style and immersive, acoustic soundscape does a great job of bringing his story to life in rousing and thoughtful fashion. The new single’s introspective writing and tone sees the artist delving into his story in compelling fashion that feels both eye-opening and cathartic, utilising his platform to shine a light on his experiences and hopefully give other young gay people the reference point and role model that he never had himself.