Vaeda Black and Saverio collaborate to create the beautifully heartbreaking ‘cigs’

The track is the fifth single from Vaeda Black and her first official collaboration.

The track is the fifth single from Vaeda Black and her first official collaboration.

Quarantine and isolation seem to affect all kinds of people in all kinds of different ways. While for some people (this writer included) it can lead to increased amounts of lethargy and self-loathing, for Vaeda Black and Saverio it has led to the creation of the wonderfully poignant and likeable new single ‘cigs’.

The track has an almost dreamy, whimsical quality, as the artists voices compliment each other in an effortless, seamless kind of way. The track is a heartbroken one about the apathy and sadness that comes with a young love relationship coming to an end. The rousing, thoughtful, and candid way that Vaeda Black and Saverio tell this story drags you into the center of this situation and lets you live and breathe it.