Indie Rock

‘The Boy I Was Before’ is the latest slick and memorable release from The Howlers

The track continues to generate hype for the outfit’s upcoming second EP Further Down The Line. Thanks to their unique…

‘Sad Bad Go Away’ is an energetic and engaging new release from High Eyes

The track sees the emerging UK outfit continue to define their sound. Since their emergence last year, London-based High Eyes have…

‘Get Myself Out’ is a rousing mental health anthem from Toronto brothers Beyond The Sun

The lauded outfit show off a refreshingly raw side to their indie rock sound. Brothers and Toronto indie rock trio…

‘Memoriam’ is a poignant and haunting new release from Forgotten Garden

The duo continue to hone their captivating sound on their grief-stricken latest release. Having garnered a reputation for their dark…

‘Healer’ is a soaring new single from rising UK artist Lissy Taylor

The track is just the latest in a string of successes for the artist. Rawness and emotion are two things…

‘Othello’ is a creative and funk-laden new indie rock release from Jon Doe

The track sees the outfit continue to showcase their boundless potential. With their funk-laden, melodic brand of indie rock, Joe…

Martha continue their run of form on latest single ‘Baby, Does Your Heart Sink?’

The track is the latest release from their upcoming new album Please Don’t Take Me Back. Having returned earlier in…

‘Put Your Dukes Up!’ is an engaging and fun release from emerging indie outfit You Fool!

The track is from the outfit’s encouraging debut album hello Armageddon. Emerging from the suburbs of Washington, DC earlier this…

Sleeping Together establish their laid-back indie rock sound on ‘Summer Girl’

Their debut single is set for release one August 27th (PRESAVE HERE) Having formed during lockdown over FaceTime, UK…

‘Pop Snuff It’ is a bittersweet but serene new release from The Tropicanas

The track is the third release of the year from the unique outfit. Emerging melodic indie rock outfit The Tropicanas…